15 Brilliant Home Repair Hacks Everyone Should Know!

From clearing clogged drains to removing scratches from wood furniture, here’s a list of 15 genius hacks which will help you tackle some of the small DIY repairs by using everyday items you probably have around the house.

15 Brilliant Home Repair Hacks Everyone Should Know!

1. Remove scratches from wood furniture by rubbing the meat of a walnut over the damaged areas

Rub a walnut on damaged wooden furniture to cover up dings

via Sea Life Style

2. Unclogging a toilet with wire hanger

How to unclog a toilet with a hanger

Unravel a wire coat hanger and wrap one end with a rag to avoid scratches. With hands covered by rubber gloves, stick covered end into drain and twist/push in circular motion until drain is cleared.

via VripMaster

3. Patch small holes in walls with toothpaste

Patch small holes in walls with toothpaste

Just squeeze the white paste into the hole, and smooth it over with a putty knife, or a credit card. When the paste dries, it forms a finish similar to spackle.

via Granny’s Tips

4. Or, use a bar of soap

Filling Nail Holes With Soap

via Joyfully Home

5. Use a rubber band to unscrew stripped screws

Remove a stripped screw with a rubber band

The rubber band fills in the gap and creates traction so that you can remove the stripped screw.

via Apartment Therapy

6. Fix scratches on leather using olive oil

Fix scratches on leather using olive oil

Rub a cotton swab dampened with olive oil on the leather with a circular motion. Allow the oil to dry for an hour, then wipe it off with a clean cloth.

via Mash-Up Chic

7. Turn wine corks into furniture floor protectors

Turn wine corks into furniture floor protectors

Cut up a wine cork and glue discs onto the legs of furniture to prevent floor scratches or to stabilize wobbly legs. You can also use them as cabinet door bumpers.

via Martha Stewart

8. Unclog a drain with a zip tie

Unclog a drain with a zip tie

Use the scissors to cut notches in the plastic zip tie, then insert the zip tie into the drain to remove clogs.

9. Fix the broken toilet handle using zip ties and tape

Fix the broken toilet handle using zip ties and tape

via Imgur

10. Never bang your thumb again. Use a clothespin while hammering a nail

Never bang your thumb again. Use a clothespin while hammering a nail

via Instructables

11. Use WD-40 to remove crayon or marker from walls

Use WD-40 to remove crayon or marker from walls

Spray a little WD-40 onto a folded paper towel and rub it onto the crayon on the walls.

via ThinkHom

12. Add a rubber band to door knobs to soften slamming doors

Add a Rubber Band to Door Knobs to Soften Slamming Doors

via iCastle

13. Unscrew a broken lightbulb without cutting your fingers with a potato

Unscrew a broken lightbulb without cutting your fingers with a potato

If you don’t have a potato try an apple.

via Chicnsavvy Reviews

14. Have a squeaky door? Use Vaseline

Remove Squeak From Door Hinges

To fix a squeaky door, simply apply the Vaseline to the hinges and open and close the door a few times to help distribute the lubricant all over the moving parts.

via Instructables

15. Remove dents from wood furniture or floors with a hot iron

How To Remove Dents From Wood

Use an iron on medium hot setting to iron a wet cloth over the dent. To remove a dent from wood could take more than 15 minutes, so keep adding water to the cloth and be patient.

Learn more here.

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